iOS 9 review: Apple's small & confident step forward

iOS 9 is already upon us, available for free from Apple for anyone whose device can run iOS 8. On the surface it is a small step forward for the mobile operating system - no drastic revision of design to speak of and the lack of obvious game-changing new features - but dig a little deeper into the software and there are plenty of more subtle adjustments that make the upgrade worthwhile.

A new slide is based on the new iPad models of public transit directions are here, but only for a limited number of cities Siri is smarter, more context-aware and more proactive in IOS 9 Notes is now much more capable , and the keyboard has been given a proper lowercase mode
Unlike Google, Apple yet updated their actions applications (Mail, Maps, etc.), while leading the operating system, so there are some specific characteristics of the application of that talk: Apple Maps gathers information for public transportation a handful of cities around the world, while e lets you annotate attachments and attach any file to an email for the first time.

For most people, these new settings could not be found for weeks or months, but we wanted to play with them as soon as possible. The traffic information is particularly well done and intuitive to use - no alerts when the bus is late - but why a limited geographical deployment of this kind? Presumably Apple can pay for access to the same databases used Google.

Long neglected Notes put a little love, with support for web links, photos, checklists and iCloud synchronization. There is also a brand new news app for users in the United States, which serves as Flipboard and brings a 'magazine' curated news (including content Gizmag) specifically formatted for Apple mobile devices. Like most of the new features of iOS 9 improve the operating system, but it is unlikely that Android users switching en masse.

Throughout the operating system as a whole, both iCloud and Siri are some improvements, it is no surprise - the market cloud storage applications and digital assistants is fiercer than ever with Microsoft and Google earth. iCloud is now a much more visible application and users are finally able to browse your files through an application on the Home screen.

We had mixed experiences with the new iCloud Drive icon visible. Does not show automatically, although in some of our devices we got a message asking if we wanted to reveal the icon, in two other devices (iPhone 6 and iPad mini 2) we never had to pop and had to go if toggle Settings manually. iCloud may not have exactly the same objectives as onedrive or Google Drive or Dropbox (iCloud is still pointing to more of an experience automatic background), but the component unit is still lagging in terms of usability. This is a small step in the right direction.

As we heard when Apple introduced iOS June 9, Siri is increasingly useful and proactive. The application is now more aware of the context, can understand what content they are seeing and where in the world to ask for help. Through Spotlight search application, Siri makes suggestions based on your previous activities, which looks a lot like what Google has been doing now for some time.

Siri changes are especially welcome: the application now feels like he knows something about you (as if you are interested in Dolphins Miami Dolphins or just old). Of course there is a privacy angle but Apple promises all data remains on the device instead of being discovered by new advertisers, which is fine with us. The news Siri suggested we were not particularly relevant but is supposed to improve over time.

Another new feature taken from Google is the option to add events directly to your calendar when viewed in an email (in the interest of balance, we note that Android has given its fair share of features over iOS the years too, that It dates back to early versions). The email functionality agenda is another small but useful feature that will make a difference if you are fully invested in the Apple ecosystem.

Perhaps the biggest improvements are for iPad users. If you own an iPad 1 or 2 Air or an iPad mini 2, 3 or 4, you can take advantage of two new features: Slide A and picture-in-picture. The first allows you to slide to the right of the screen to display a second application in a special view of the sidebar, while the latter minimizes a video so you can use other applications while playing in the corner.

For owners of iPads with 2GB of RAM + (iPad Air 2, 4 and iPad mini iPad next Pro), you also need Split View, a real multitasking environment where two applications can be seen and used side by side. To activate it, simply throw slip on and then drag the line in the center of the screen.

We tested for Split View as an air Mini 2 and 4 and could make the iPad a much more friendly device work once again updated applications for it. Now a lot of Apple applications work with him, and some third party applications, first update (as 1Password and Instapaper) as well, but many more are currently inompatible (Twitter, Facebook and TextExpander, for example, will be received updates whether when they arrive).

And older iPads, are sliding over to remain useful, even if you can not use both applications at the same time.

In addition, all iPad iOS 9 users can turn their keyboards trackpads temporary holding two fingers on the keys. This will not yet a touch screen keyboard as well as a physical one, but it is a big step in the right direction, as the text selection has long been a major pain in the keester on mobile devices.

We must also mention the low power mode, which closes a lot of background processes and can (Apple says) earn an hour battery life. Safari controversial place now supports ad-blocker too, so you can surf the web more easily, and with less of a drain on your Internet connection and the battery level (and less money sent to editors content).

A pinch of design that will appeal to Android users is the introduction of a back button classes. Clicking something of a notice or link in another application, a "Return to [previous application]" appears in the upper left corner. It has long ago in iOS, and makes it back to where you come as you jump from one to more intuitive application (in ios 8, you had to double-tap the Home button to open the multitasking view).

As soon as you start using it, it makes perfect sense - and it does raise the question of why Apple did not introduce before. Much use mobile involves jumping from one application to another (the opening of a map of an address in an email, a photo control Instagram from a tweet and so on), and have a uniform method to retrace your steps It is handy (which must be why Android has always insisted on it).

Apart from that, there are the usual improvements and adjustments under the hood, with Apple that promise greater security, better battery performance and smoother overall iOS experience. And what's more, the keyboard now displays really sensitive when using lowercase letters. The process of updating both applications and the operating system itself has been simplified in IOS 9 also.

Based on the time we have spent with IOS 9 in various devices, it comes across as a bit more sensitive and intuitive, although you will not notice a dramatic difference. The new application features are meaningless - they already feel as if they had been there a long time, which is a good sign - and we did not come across any errors, accidents or applications that could not be loaded. For most, it should be safe to jump into the iOS nine train.

After you have updated and rebooted, you do not immediately see much of a change, beyond the new source of San Francisco is everywhere Guard for Apple OS X 10.11 Captain; however, improvements in iOS 9 are thoughtful, useful and well worth having for all users of Apple devices. The interface is more polished, and Siri is improving all the time.

The new features are particularly valuable for users of iPad, Apple certainly willing to do their slates (including the new iPad Pro) a more attractive proposition for buyers. But in reality anyone who owns an iDevice will find something useful in this case, even if no outstanding innovation that shifts the balance between iOS and Android. You might have to wait for iOS 10 for that.

Source: Gizmag,TechCrunch
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